Famously known as the setting for the vastly popular Korean drama series “Winter Sonata”, Nami island is visited by people from around the world and it maintains traditional Korean culture. Nami island or Republic of Naminara is situated in Gapyeong, about 60km off Seoul.
I was at Nami Island during summer, somewhere in July. After swapping a few trains, we arrived at Gapyeong from our guesthouse in Itaewon. Entrance fee to the island was 8000 won which includes a short ferry ride to the island.
However, adrenaline junkies could opt for another thrilling way to enter the island, by buckling to a harness and take a ride from the tower down to the island on the Zip Wire ride.
At the island, one will be greeted by some great views of sculptures and also the famous pine tree lanes. The island offers different experience during every season but it was said that autumn would offer the best view as the leaves began to fall, providing some stunning views.
There were many picturesque spots popularize from the Winter Sonata series such as below.
Muslims visitors don’t have to worry much about food as there is one halal restaurant there. The kimchi and also the rice were delicious. The rice was served in an aluminum container while it was hot and requires u to shake the hot container using a glove. It was indeed a first time experience for me needing to do that before eating my meal.
Among other activities that Nami Island offers are water based activities such as jet ski, water ski, banana boat and kayak. There’s also one ride where u will be tied to a buoy and when pulled by the boat, the buoy will float in the air.
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