Exhibition of the two holy mosques architecture

After having a taste of the camel’s milk in the middle of the desert, our tour bus brought us the Exhibition of the Two Holy Mosques Architecture or some called it the Makkah museum. Our mutawwif (the one who’s responsible to guide us during our stay there) told us earlier that we were only be able to enter the museum section. We didn’t get the authority to enter the factory which made the Kaabah’s curtain or cover.

model of the Masjidil Haram in Makkah

model of the Nabawwi Mosque in Medina

The museum exhibits items that were parts of the two holy mosques in Makkah & Madinah with some item dating far back as the 10th Hijrah century. Among them are the doors of Kaabah which has been replaced during renovations over the centuries.

the old Kaabah door

one part of the Kaabah cover, it’s embroidered with real gold thread

the old Kaabah stairs

Another one is the old railing around the Zam Zam well which include the brass bucket and pully. Before the time pumps were invented, the brass bucket was used to take water from the well. The old Kaabah’s cover sewing machine was also being displayed here.

old zam-zam well

the tomb of Abraham

this was the machine used to sew the gold thread onto the cover

A lot of info on the history of the two holy mosques are being display here. Our mutawwif did a great job in explaining to our group about the history of the items. We were only able to spend about 30 minutes in the museum as there were other groups waiting to get in the exhibition area.

This exhibiton is open from 8.00am till 2.30pm and 4.00pm till 10.00pm on Saturday till Wednesday. It’s closed on Thursday and Friday but open all week during Hajj season.

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