Touring Subang Skypark with #TSDayOut

When I got the news about the next #TSDayOut was going on a tour to Subang’s SkyPark and there will be an opportunity to try out the flight simulator, I was really excited and immedietely registered myself for the event. The next week I received an email from Tourism Selangor confirming my spot for the event.. Wehoo! At last a chance to try out the flight simulator!

That Saturday morning, I picked Mas up and we head straight towards Subang SkyPark. Actually it’s not that I have not been there before. I just took a flight from the SkyPark last month but this event was different as we will be having access to areas which are off limits to normal passengers.

tsdayout-skypark-9one of the counters in Sky Park

tsdayout-skypark-6interior looks

So what we actually did in Subang Skypark?

Airport Tour

After registering ourselves at Tourism Selangor’s booth, we were given a short briefing by Mr Francis Anthony and we also got ourselves some freebies, a skypark cap. It was followed by another briefing by Mr. Rusdi from Firefly. He explained to us the detailed process from buying the tickets till a person boards the plane and till the arring process of passengers. Only turboprop engines plane are allowed to fly to and out of Subang Skypark he said. He then brought us around the airport start from the tickets counters and also the check in counters. We then proceeded into the Firefly office which basically handles the traffic of all Firefly plane. This area is off limit to public.

tsdayout-skypark-1freebies from SkyPark representatives

tsdayout-skypark-3candid shot of Renuga & Dian of Tourism Selangor

tsdayout-skypark-2MasNona with her SkyPark cap

group photo

tsdayout-skypark-4check in counters


tsdayout-skypark-8Mr Rusdi giving the briefing inside the FireFly office

Next we were brought into the boarding hall. Although we had the airport pass with us, we still need to go through security checking like normal passengers. From the boarding hall, we got the opportunity to get out and have a closer look on the planes. This was followed by a tour at the arrival hall where passengers arrived and pick up their baggages.

tsdayout-skypark-10queing for the security check

tsdayout-skypark-11FireFly’s flight attendants

tsdayout-skypark-12one of the aircraft


tsdayout-skypark-14LilyRiani arriving on the baggage belt

As a conclusion, I would say Subang Skypark is a very convenient airport and with its modern facilities, it can be considered one of the best in the country. More info you on Subang Skypark, you can visit their website Also do check out Firefly’s latest promotion on their site

Flight SimKL

After the airport tour, our next destination was the Flight SimKL. Located on the first floor of the building, Flight SimKL has two types of simulator, the Airbus A320 and the Boeing 737 simulator. Obviously the Airbus 320 simulator was better because it has a real like cockpit and cabin. I was lucky enough to be one of the participants who gets to try out the Airbus simulator. It was a great experience as i did manage to fly and land at the challenging Kai Tak airport.

tsdayout-skypark-15Boeing 737 simulator

tsdayout-skypark-17the cabin

tsdayout-skypark-16Miss MasZuber inside the cabin area


tsdayout-skypark-19captain of the day




The flight simulator prices start from RM45 for the Boeing and from RM158 for the Airbus. You can get more info at their website

Peugeot Lounge

After nearly 4 hours touring the airport and spending time on the flight simulators, we were brought to Peugeot Lounge, a very comfort and convenient airport lounge. This is where we had our delicious lunch, specially served by Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.





Peugeot Lounge is actually a lounge specially made to cater Peugeot owners who are flying outbound from Subang Skypark terminal. Peugeot owners visiting the Peugeot Lounge only need to present their boarding pass along with their Peugeot car key to enjoy the complimentary facilities. The  lounge is a place for Peugeot owners to unwind and relax before boarding their flights. The lounge is open daily from 9am till 11pm. More info you can visit their website

Unfortunately on that day I had to leave early so I wasn’t able to stay until the prize giving ceremony. It was the prize giving session for blogpost winners of the previously #TSDayOut to FRIM and also 3 best photo winners from #TSDayOut to Skypark.

 tsdayout-skypark-26the participants *photo by FoodnFrame*

Overall, I had a great time and the experience trying out the flight simulator was awesome! Thank you so much Tourism Selangor for another memorable event. Also thanks to all the sponsors, Subang Skypark, Firefly Airline, Flight SimKL, Peugeot Lounge and  Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

6 Responses so far.

  1. biqque says:

    simulation tu takde 3D ke? gegar2 tak masa u landing? hehe…

  2. anash says:

    wahhh…merasa jadi pilot …
    untungla maszuber..

  3. Melvin Paul says:

    Good write up! Funny pic of lily on the conveyor belt! :p

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