MITBCA Awards Night 2013

The Malaysian International Tourism Bloggers Confenrence & Β Awards (MITBCA) was recently held on the 6th March 2013. The event took part in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC) and was attended by many vips, bloggers, tourism ministry members and members of the media.

Alas my blog From Malaysia to the world did not make it as one of the winners but we still managed to swoop in an amazing 639 votes for the Tourism Blog of the Year award. Special thanks to my families, my girlfriend, fellow friends, all the voters and those who help promoting this site for the award. Congratulations to fellow #TravelholicAwesome member KakiBerangan for winning the category. It was a friendly competition from the beginning actually. Also congratulations for all other winners including 6 #TravelholicAwesome members whom manage to grab 6 awards that night.

Thank you again to all whom gave their support. Till we meet again next year πŸ™‚

mitbca-1Opening Act

mitbca-2Speech by Social Media Chambers President

mitbca-3Speech by Secretary General of Malaysia Tourism Ministry

mitbca-4present by Miss Coco Nutz

mitbca-5Performers #1

mitbca-6Performers #2

mitbca-7Eco Tourism blog Winner – Janggel Trekker

mitbca-8Tourism Lifestyle Blog winner – Emila Yusof

mitbca-9Medical Tourism Blog winner – David Hogan Jr

mitbca-10Tourism Blog of the Year winner – Kaki Berangan


mitbca-12the winners from #TravelholicAwesome



mitbca-19Tourism Cultural Blog winner – Kaki Jalan

mitbca-15passing the award for next years winner

mitbca-16us during the night πŸ™‚

mitbca-17#TravelholicAwesome plus Fida Jacob

mitbca-18her πŸ™‚

18 Responses so far.

  1. mas says:

    Congrats dear for being the finalist,

    U didnt get the trophy but u have me.. Always πŸ™‚

  2. Martha says:

    there will always be a next year. congratulations anyway for making it as one of the finalist

  3. masMZ says:

    Tahniah Dan. Tak kira finalist or penerima award, kita semua menang kayss…
    tahun depan mesti naik pentas πŸ˜€

  4. biqque says:

    insyaAllah, rezeki mu akan tiba πŸ™‚

  5. Azuan says:

    Congrats bro πŸ™‚ banyak jugak undi tu

  6. Zara~AB says:

    Congrats for being part of the finalist!

  7. anash says: the moment when everyone was there
    i wish you too on the stage along with others
    tak pe
    tahun depan ,ok????
    (like maszuber’s comment…soooo sweettt!!!)

  8. anash says:

    (tadi dah komen tapi ilang?)
    i wish you too be the winner on that night…
    tak pe
    next year tau!!!
    (suka komen dari maszuber….sooo sweet!!)

  9. Ken says:

    It’s ok. You already get so much support from others. Too bad that I miss out this grand event.

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